(CONT'D) and Parenthetical Extensions

Slugline will automatically add a (CONT'D) after successive dialogue by the same speaker in the same scene.

To turn this off for the current screenplay on iOS/iPadOS, tap the document name and toggle Off Character CONT'Ds.

On macOS, choose File → Document Settings → Character CONT’Ds. Or you can find this setting in the Document Settings pop-up menu that appears when you mouse toward the right edge of the Slugline 2 window.

Slugline’s Character CONT’Ds are “ephemeral,” meaning they do not appear as actual text in your screenplay file. This allows you to easily turn them on and off with a click. If you want control over where Character CONT’Ds appear in your screenplay, you can turn them off in Document Settings, and manually append them to the Character elements on which you want them to appear.

Other Parenthetical Extensions

To add other Parenthetical Extensions, just type them manually:

Most people would say Harmony got to the party because of the stuff with the robot.

The text inside the parentheses does not have to be uppercase.