Is there a student discount available for Slugline?

Slugline is perfect for screenwriting students. Its simplicity and focus is just what you need when you're learning the ropes (which, by the way, everyone always is with screenwriting).

Slugline participates in the only educational discount program Apple allows on the App Store, the Volume Purchase Program for Education. This program only applies to Slugline for iOS/iPadOS, since it is a paid-up-front app.

Unfortunately, Apple doesn't allow for any kind of individual academic discount, nor any kind of individual discounts at all on the App Store. They also do not extend their Volume Purchase Program for Education to free-to-download apps like Slugline 2 for Mac. Because of this, we have chosen an every day price that we feel is affordable and appropriate for students and professionals alike.

Remember that Slugline 2 is complete free for screenplays six pages and under, which we hope enables many students to make good use of it without paying.