How do I change the text size in Slugline?


You can adjust the size of the on-screen text in Slugline. Press the Aa button and then use the + and - buttons.

These settings only control the writing experience. Your screenplay will always print in 12-point Courier or Courier Prime, whichever you've selected. For some screen sizes, there is a "sweet spot" text size that provides a close WYSIWYG preview of your screenplay.


On Mac, change the display size of the screenplay text using the following Menu options:

  • View → Actual Size (⌘ + 0)

  • View → Larger (⌘ + =)

  • View → Smaller (⌘ + -)

As with iOS/iPadOS, these controls do not change the printed text size.

Stu MaschwitziOS/iPadOS