Or: Writing As You Outline - You Decide
I'm working on an outline for a feature, and I thought I'd share my process. The document I've started in Slugline will evolve from notes and ideas, to a rough treatment, to a complete outline, to a scriptment, to a completed screenplay. Throughout this evolution, I'll use various Slugline features to support my workflow.
Start by Beginning
By far the hardest part of writing for me is that whole starting part. This is why Slugline shows you as little as possible when you create a new document. I don't start by creating an outline or a structure—I just start writing.
I only mention this because I want to emphasize that there's no right or wrong way to work in Slugline. This isn't a tutorial. It's just one possible way to work.
I might wind up with a few paragraphs or a few pages, but my goal at this point is simply to vomit my bad ideas into a document. In this case, once I reached the end, I decided it was good enough to share with my writing partner, so I slapped a title on it—but not a full Fountain Title Page, just a quick, centered title at the top of the document. This feels more right to me than a whole title page for a document that's probably only five or six pages.